People Finder Classifieds

People Finder Classifieds - Lost Relatives

1. We are trying to find my half brother. My mom's first child. He should be 47 years old by now. Could be living somewhere in Florida or possibly Alabama. His name before the adoption in 1967 was Daniel Vincent Collins. Comment below if you know anything. It would be very much appreciated.
- Raine C.

2. I need to locate my mother's family in the UK. Her sisters and their children.

Alecia Dalton born 1969 and Barbra Cline born 1972. Barbra's children are Cece and Celia Cline. Alecia's are Avril and Barrie Dalton and her husband is Barret.

All of them still lived in Nottingham in December 2004. That is when we talked to them the last time.

We have asked someone we know to drive past their houses and they did, but they said it looks like no one would be living in any of them. Which is very strange. We hope that nothing bad has happened. Could be something related to the difficult economic times. My mom guesses that they have sold their houses, but we don't know. It would be so important for my mom to find out what's going on and where everyone is.

What happened was that after some family conflicts regarding some land we inherited together, we have lost touch with them. But all is forgiven now and we would like to connect again.

- Aaren Cline, Seattle, USA

3. Missing - Hazel Mills from New York, born 1990

Remember me Amanda, your little cousin? You were 19 when you moved away from your home across the street from us. And I was only 12. No one knows where you are. I know it wasn't easy back then, but things have changed. Aunt Laura misses you a lot. We all do. We want to hear from you!


If any of you have any advice for anyone here, please leave comment!

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